National Organization of Women (N.O.W.)

Sadie Church, Column Editor

Students at Winter Park are always taking action and finding ways to better our Wildcat community. Maddi Zornek and her team of officers took that to the next level – effectively creating the WPHS N.O.W club. The N.O.W club, the Winter Park High School chapter of National Organization of Women (or N.O.W), aims to create a safe space for our diverse student body and discuss topics and find solutions to issues regarding equality, discrimination, and social justice. As a member of the club myself, I was fortunate enough to be able to chat with the club’s president Maddi Zornek and the club’s secretary Kate Brodkin to get an in-depth understanding of the group.


Sadie: So, to kick this off let’s start with the basics. How long has this club been at Winter Park High School?

Maddi: This is the club’s first year at Winter Park. However, the officers met over the summer to plan for the club’s upcoming meetings. Our first few meetings have been very successful and we hope to keep reaching more people.


S: Now, describe your club in three words

Maddi: Education, Discussion, Action


S: What is your club’s mission?

Maddi: Our mission is to create change in the school and the community through discussions, consciousness raising, and actions that heighten awareness of important issues. We are committed to fighting against gender discrimination, racial discrimination, sexual discrimination, sexual violence, and sexist societal perceptions and institutions.


S: How about some activities/things you do in this club?

Maddi: Every other week we hold discussion based meetings. So far we have done topics including dress code, queering sex ed, and mental health. In the future we plan to have guest speakers and panels of professionals to help educate ourselves on important issues. Soon we are having Anna Eskamani come in to speak about what it takes to create change. We also will have donation drives to help important organizations like the Zebra Coalition.

S: What is your favorite part about being in this club?

Maddi: I get to learn new things everyday from different people. Every member brings an idea I have never thought of before and it forces me to challenge my way of thinking. Also the people who have come up to me personally and have told me what a positive impact I have made on their learning environment is why I do it. I want everyone to feel that. Like they have a support group and that someone is actually listening to them.


S: What is the officer process like? Do officers in your club have a lot of responsibilities?

Maddi: Officers are expected to continually keep themselves up to date with current events and continually challenge their ways of thinking, while also educating those around them. We meet every other week to plan relevant topics to discuss at our meetings. Every officer comes from a different background and has unique experience that makes our meetings more diverse and intersectional.


S: What made you originally want to start this club?

Maddi: I wanted to give a safe space for students to share their experiences as well as meet new people who share the common passion in the fight for equality.


S: How does your club make Winter Park High a better place?

Maddi: We make Winter Park High a better place by making sure every voice is heard. Not only do we provide a safe place for students to speak, but we also create real change in our school. When issues regarding the Confederate Flags on campus were brought to us, we immediately brought it to the administration’s attention. With the help of Mr. Arnold and students speaking up, the symbol of hatred was removed.


S: Is there anything you’d like to say to the student body?

Maddi: Your voice matters and you will be heard. Keep fighting for what is right and we will fight alongside you.