Promposal Ideas

March 9, 2022
With prom being right around the corner, it’s safe to say that it’s the right time to make promposals. There are many different creative ways in which you can do this. I will be giving you all ideas on different promposals that you can make.
To start off with a simple one, you can simply make a poster. This one’s an obvious choice, and almost everyone does this. With a bit of creativity and cleverness, you can make the perfect poster that will get you a prom date. Also, you could make a PowerPoint or a slideshow. This one sounds silly, but it works. If you can make a convincing slideshow on why the person you’re asking should go with you, I guarantee you’ll have a date.
Next, you could give them a cup to drink out of, write “prom?” at the bottom of it, and they would see it once they’ve finished drinking. This one may seem outlandish but think of it as a last resort. I personally wouldn’t use this one, but I will still recommend it.
I recently asked some students about what they plan on doing for their promposal. One stated that they would, “just make a poster.” Another said that they are, “going to just directly ask them to prom.” This is a very boring thing to do, and it will get you rejected. It’s ok, you can still try, however.
I also asked my friends how they would go about these promposals. Many said that they are, “waiting to be asked to prom”. The latter stated that they, “will find a creative way to do it.” Some of them have already asked, using the methods shown in the article.
With enough confidence and creativity, I can assure you that these ideas will work. I personally used one of these, and it was a success. I wish all of you good luck in getting a prom date.